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I did my PhD studies in Laboratory of Computational Systems Biotechnology at EPFL, Switzerland and my master and bachelor studies in Biotechnology program at University of Tehran, Iran. During my master and PhD studies, I developed different optimisation methods using linear programming to analyse metabolic network models in aspects such as flux coupling, gap filling, and objective function identification. I started my postdoctoral training at James Thaventhiran group in January 2021.


Research interests:

Single cell technologies allow you to explore the whole transcriptome or BCR/TCR repertoire in a large number of individual cells. My current research focuses on analysis of single cell RNA sequencing data to investigate the transcriptional profile, antibody repertoire, clonal expansion and mutational load of different immune cell types in different conditions or individuals. In addition, I am interested in integrating metabolic network modelling with single cell transcriptome data in order to study the metabolic changes of cells in conditions such as obesity.

Visiting Worker

Contact Details

MRC Toxicology Unit
Gleeson Building
Tennis Court Road


Telephone and Email

