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MRC Integrative Toxicology Training Partnership



The MRC Integrative Toxicology Training Partnership (ITTP) is a national PhD training programme for capacity building in Toxicology and related disciplines.

The safe development of new drugs, materials, chemicals and consumer products along with the assessment of risk from environmental exposure requires the integration of cutting-edge science with traditional toxicology. The ITTP provides a training platform to enable this and aims to bring together academia, industry and government agencies to provide the required expertise.

The MRC Toxicology Unit manages the ITTP on behalf of the MRC and is guided by an expert Steering Committee which oversees the delivery of the ITTP to support capacity building in Toxicology and advises on emerging needs and opportunities within the field. The Steering Committee is accountable to the MRC through the Molecular and Cellular Medicine Board (MCMB) and the current Terms of Reference can be found here.

In total, over seventy 4-year ITTP PhD studentships have been awarded to date, a summary of these projects, supervisors and host institutions can be found here.

ITTP students attend a once yearly residential toxicology training course, have access to the MRC Toxicology Unit’s Masterclass seminar series and attend toxicology and laboratory training in their host institutions.

The current funding call is closed and further announcements will be made in due course.

Any queries can be directed to Kirsti Hornigold (

ITTP Summer School Attendees 2024

ITTP Summer School Attendees 2023

ITTP Summer School Attendees 2022