I studied BSc Pharmacology and Molecular Genetics in King's College London (First Class Hons) before graduating from Imperial College London with an MSc in Genes, Drugs and Stem Cells and from the University of Cambridge with an MPhil in Clinical Science. I subsequently worked for a number of years as a Visiting Scientist overseeing the transfer of knowhow between the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in the UK and the Center for the Study of Haematological Malignancies in Cyprus. I am currently enrolled on the MRC Toxicology Unit's PhD programme (Sawarkar Group).
Research Interests:
Cells perceive stress, such as a sharp increase in ambient temperature, and other toxic input, e.g. from chemicals, as threats they must adapt against and potentially overcome. I am particularly interested in characterizing the stress-specific pathways undergirding the intracellular changes that occur during the cellular stress response, as well as the molecular factors involved in cellular recovery from stress. The effects of chronic or acute imbalances of such factors involved in stress homeostasis may explain the increasingly relevant role these stress response pathways seem to play in the manifestation and penetrance of neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and diabetes amongst other complex diseases and may provide opportunities for therapeutic or even preventative interventions.