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Cameron is currently a PhD Student in Prof. Anne Willis' Research Group. He graduated from the University of Exeter in 2019 with a BSc in Biochemistry (first-class honours), completing a final year project specialising in the analysis of hydrogen-deuterium mass spectrometry data. Moving to Cambridge, he attained an MPhil in Physics from the University of Cambridge Biological and Soft Systems Institute in Prof. Pietro Cicuta's Research Group, studying the growth dynamics of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii micro-colonies.

Research Interests:

Cameron’s current research interests centre around translational biology, specifically focusing on the cellular response to damaged or aberrant mRNA. High-fidelity translation is essential for the maintenance of cellular proteostasis. Damage to mRNA can cause blockages in translation elongation, whereby ribosomes cannot progress past damaged areas and grind to a halt. The accumulation of stalled ribosomes results in the release of incomplete peptides, to the detriment of the cell. To prevent the build-up of ribosomes, the translational quality control process of ribosome-associated quality control (RQC) resolves stalled ribosomes, through subunit splitting and degradation of the attached nascent polypeptide. Cameron’s research focuses on understanding the mechanistic details of RQC, how stalls are detected and how ribosome subunits are split.


Research Assistant

Contact Details

MRC Toxicology Unit
Gleeson Building
Tennis Court Road


Telephone and Email


Person keywords: 
PhD Student (MRC)