Submitted by Sophie Milbourne on Mon, 17/07/2023 - 11:06
We are delighted to have received a Bronze accreditation in the national Green Impact scheme in our first year of participating. This award recognises the work of our Green Impact Team, led by Unit members Sina Beier, Laraine Crossland and Alex Fulton, as well as the wider support from our Green Committee.
They have implemented a range of initiatives throughout the building, including campaigns around freezer temperatures and cleaning to reduce energy consumption, stationery amnesties to collect unwanted or unused items to rehome, as well as promoting ways to report maintenance issues to save water and energy and creating designated battery recycling points.
Green Impact is the University of Cambridge’s environmental accreditation scheme. It supports and encourages departments and colleges across the University in reducing their environmental impacts.
Environmental sustainability continues to be an important area of focus for the Unit and we will be sharing more about our priorities on our website in due course, and via our 'Green' Twitter account.