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The MRC Toxicology Unit seminars are currently held virtually via Zoom 

Please contact Fiona Hay ( for the link


Wednesday 22.09.21 - 16.00-17.00 - Dr Scott Henry - Senior Vice President of Preclinical Development, Ionis Pharmaceuticals

Masterclass title:  Understanding the Mechanism for Dose-Dependent Thrombocytopenia Associated with 2’MOE ASOs


Wednesday 29.09.21 - 12.30-13.30 - Dr Remi Terranova - Novartis

Masterlcass title:  to be confirmed


Wednesday 10.11.21 - time to be confirmed - Dr Antonio Galvao - Postdoc Research Scientist, Babraham Institute

Seminar title:  to be confirmed


Wednesday 24.11.21 - time to be confirmed - Professor Tariq Enver - UCL

Seminar title:  to be confirmed


Wednesday 01.12.21 - time to be confirmed - Dr Steven Millership - ISSF Springboard Fellow, Imperial College

Seminar title:  to be confirmed


Wednesday 19.01.21 - time to be confirmed - Professor Frank Kelly - Imperial College London

Masterclass title:  to be confirmed


Wednesday 02.02.22 - time to be confirmed - Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed - University of Liverpool

Masterclass title:  to be confirmed